

发布时间: 2024-05-17 09:40:36北京青年报社官方账号





Among the groups of people buying food on Meituan's online platforms, those born after the 1990s are still the major force, accounting for 53 percent of the total. Consumers born after the 1980s also grew 7 percent to make up 36 percent of the total.


Ambassador Liu emphasized, mankind belongs to a community with a common future, where people from all countries share weal and woe. In this battle against the virus, solidarity and cooperation are the most effective weapons. While we are fighting Covid-19, it is also important to guard against "political virus". Some politicians from Western countries claimed that China is stealing research data from others. This is completely groundless. Such accusations constitute a complete disrespect for the hard efforts of Chinese scientists and malicious slanders against the achievements of China in the fight against Covid-19. They could also gravely undermine international cooperation on R&D of vaccine and global joint response to the pandemic. The world must firmly oppose and reject such groundless claims.


Among others, it said China-made vehicles have seen steady progress in quality, the country has some world-class telecom and internet giants, China is leading in terms of 5G communication and navigation systems, and it has been the world's largest vehicle market for a decade.


Among the cash donations, over 130 million yuan was given directly to the liaison office for transfer to the mainland. The office said it will transfer the money to the Red Cross Society of China, which will be in charge of distributing it across the mainland according to needs.


Among them, about 67 percent of the Chinese companies are small and medium-sized enterprises with fewer than 1,000 employees.


